Ads should be submitted in digital format via email to Laura Mangan.
Please include your company name in the ad file name. If the ad is for a specific issue, also include the issue date in the ad name.
Submit ads in .jpg or .gif format. Resolution for all logos and images should be no larger than 40K.
All ads will be printed "as is". IMA Valley of the Sun Chapter does not provide design service. IMA Valley of the Sun Chapter cannot guarantee print quality or specific placement within the newsletter.
Ads not provided in digital format will incur a $10 charge for scanning and archiving to digital format.
Both artwork and payment must be received no later than the newsletter deadlines, as per the schedule on our submittal requirements page. Email your artwork to Laura Mangan as outlined above.
Please mail your payment along with this signed form to Laura Mangan, IMA Valley of the Sun, PO Box 2216, Gilbert, AZ 85299. Please make your check out to: Institute of Management Accountants.
Please include:
- Business Name
- Contact Name
- Phone and fax
- Mailing Address
- Ad size/Cost per month
- Issues ads to be placed in
- Authorized Signature and the Date
3 Month Rate: |
Size (inches) |
Cost |
Business Card size horizontal (3.5w x 2.0h) |
$25 |
1/4 page vertical (3.5w x 4.5h) |
$60 |
1/4 horizontal (7.0w x 2.5h) |
$60 |
1/2 page horizontal (7.0w x 4.5h) |
$75 |
Full page |
$100 |
One month is available at half the 3 month rate. Contact Laura Mangan at azvots.imanet@gmail.com for space reservations and further information.