Free (Virtual) Past President's Night: Impact of AI on Accounting and Finance, a Global Perspective

When:  Feb 20, 2024 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM (MT)
Associated with  AZ Valley of the Sun Chapter

Free (Virtual) Past President's Night: Impact of AI on Accounting and Finance, a Global Perspective and IMA Global Update, Feb 20th 6pm, Arizona time

Associated with AZ Valley of the Sun Chapter

Speaker: Mike DePrisco, IMA Global President & CEO

6:00 to 6:20 - Networking

6:20 to 7:10 - Impact of AI on Accounting and Finance, a Global Perspective.

7 :10 to 7:20 - Questions

Online Instructions: (Register below to get the Link to the meeting-mailed out 1 day and 2 hours before)

Topic: Mike will share findings from IMA’s latest research report, authored by our very own Susie Duong, to be released later this month. In addition to sharing findings of the research, Mike will talk about implications on practitioners and upskilling.

“Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing industries, with its superpower to help unlock business value through stimulating creativity and innovation, optimizing efficiency and driving the achievement of outcomes. In the field of accounting and finance, AI is emerging as a transformative force that is reshaping the profession, influencing everything from data analysis to decision-making processes. As automation and predictive analytics become the new norm, traditional roles are undergoing profound modifications, prompting the need for adaptability, upskilling, and strategic alignment.”

“This research explored AI’s impact on the accounting and finance profession, drawing insights from in-depth dialogues from interviews and roundtable discussions with approximately 40 experts spanning the globe. Our study uncovered the multifaceted applications of AI, prevailing challenges faced by professionals when integrating AI, and the ethical and governance nuances of AI deployment. We also shed light on the significance of continuous skill enhancement in preparing for the future with AI.”

Speaker Bio:

Mike DePrisco is the IMA Global President and CEO.

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