Thank you to our volunteers for the term June 1, 2024 to May 31,2025!
President: Joe Haverkamp |
VP Admin: Open |
VP Communication: Brian Haberlin |
VP Education: Camille Cook
Certificates: |
Greg Gilstrap |
Committee: |
Travis Magneson
VP Membership: Tom Dopler |
Treasurer: Brian Haberlin |
Secretary: Dan Swensen |
Regional Council Delegate: Camille Cook |
Webmaster: Deborah Michalowski |
E-mail Director: Rich Leonard |
ASU Director: Tom Claussen |
ASU FACC Liaison: |
Open |
ASU FMA Liaison: |
Brandon Atondo |
GCU Director: Donna DeMilia/Jennifer Thompson |
GCU Student Liaison: |
Open |
NAU Director: Camille Cook |
Please contact Joseph Haverkamp or any of the VPs if you are interested in helping with any of the open positions. Even if you don’t wish to hold an official position, all members are welcome to help with the board and attend board meetings. Board meetings are held after our 3rd Tuesday Net-Tech Session from 7:30 - 8:30 pm via Zoom this year Look for the next Board Meeting registration on the Events page and join us!
Note: In accordance with IMA's Global Privacy Policy, we have removed individual contact information from this page. IMA members can contact individuals through myIMA Network (formerly known as LinkUP IMA). Non-members can send an email to our council's email address (